NOTES ON THE HP DESKJET 500 SCALABLE PRINTER DRIVER FOR MICROSOFT® WINDOWS 3.0 ======================================================= This document contains important information about the HP DeskJet 500 Scalable Printer Driver for Microsoft® Windows 3.0 that supplements the on-line Help. These topics are covered: * Application Notes * System Configuration * Performance * Using Additional Scalable Typefaces * Accessing the Windows Symbol Set * Printing with the HP DeskJet Family Printer Driver APPLICATION NOTES ================= At the time the HP DeskJet 500 Scalable Printer Driver for Microsoft® Windows 3.0 was released, the following software application limitations existed: COMPUTER SUPPORT ARTS & LETTERS v3.01, MICROGRAFX CHARISMA v2.0, MICROGRAFX DESIGNER v3.01: Text rotation is not supported. COREL DRAW v1.2: "Fit to Page" is not supported. MICROSOFT® EXCEL v2.1c/d: When printing fonts larger than 40 point, manually enlarge the cell size before printing. MICROSOFT® PROJECT v1.0: It is recommended that you have more than 1 Mb RAM (640 Kb with 384 Kb extended) to print in Windows Standard mode. MICROSOFT® PROJECT v1.0: Top or bottom borders may be truncated, resulting in some lines not being printed. MICROSOFT® WINDOWS WRITE v3.0: Large point size characters may not print. MICROSOFT® WORD FOR WINDOWS v1.0 and v1.1: At large point sizes, the double underline will appear as a solid line. MICROSOFT® WORD FOR WINDOWS v1.0 and v1.1: This application does not recognize newly installed printer fonts until you choose Printer Setup from the File menu and click OK. MICROSOFT® WORD FOR WINDOWS v1.0 and v1.1: When printing in landscape orientation, italic characters may not print completely. WINDOWS FILE MANAGER v3.0: When Print File is chosen, the last line on the page may not be printed. The following printing problems occur at 150 and 75 dots per inch print resolution: MICROSOFT® EXCEL v2.1c/d: text does not print. MICROSOFT® POWERPOINT v2.0: text is compressed when printed. OMNIS 5 v1.01: graphics do not print. SAMNA AMI PROFESSIONAL v1.2: graphics box outlines do not print. ZENOGRAPHICS PIXIE v2.0: text is compressed when printed. If you are using a 640 Kb RAM computer system under Windows Real mode, some software applications (e.g., MICROGRAFX CHARISMA v2.0, COREL DRAW v1.2, MICROGRAFX DESIGNER v3.01, MICROSOFT® EXCEL v2.1c/d, MICROSOFT® WORD FOR WINDOWS v1.1) may be unable to print. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ==================== A 80286 processor or greater is required to use the HP DeskJet 500 Scalable Printer Driver for Microsoft® Windows 3.0. Memory Requirements The HP DeskJet 500 Scalable Printer Driver for Microsoft® Windows 3.0 was designed to work with supported Windows 3.0 system configurations. Although the driver will work on a minimum memory configuration (640 Kb RAM), 1 Mb (640 Kb conventional memory with 384 Kb extended memory) or more memory is recommended. Disk Requirements The HP DeskJet 500 Scalable Printer Driver for Microsoft® Windows 3.0 requires approximately 1 Mb of free disk space for installation of the driver and the three printer fonts that came with it (Courier, CG Times, and Univers). Printer Support The HP DeskJet 500 Scalable Printer Driver for Microsoft® Windows 3.0 supports the HP DeskJet 500 and HP DeskJet PLUS printers. This printer driver is also compatible with the HP DeskJet printer, but the print speed will be slower. For all three HP DeskJet printers, the print quality will be the same. The HP DeskJet 500 Scalable Printer Driver for Microsoft® Windows 3.0 does not support internal printer fonts, font cartridges, or soft fonts. To access these fonts, use the HP DeskJet Family printer driver. See "Printing with the HP DeskJet Family Printer Driver" later in this document for more information. PERFORMANCE =========== The HP DeskJet 500 Scalable Printer Driver for Microsoft® Windows 3.0 was designed to give you the best possible performance on your printer, but its output speed can be affected by the mode under which you run Windows: Under Real mode, the following errors are likely to occur because of memory limitations: out of memory errors when printing, noticeably slow printing, or large point sizes not printing. Under Standard and Enhanced modes, the following errors may occur depending on the number of applications you have open at one time and the amount of memory your computer system has: out of memory errors when printing, noticeably slow printing, or large point sizes not printing. Recommendations Most techniques for improving your printer's performance require freeing memory for the printer driver to use. The printer driver works like an application, the more memory that is available for the printer driver to use, the better the printer's performance. Try the suggestions below to improve printer performance if your printer is slow or you are having difficulty printing: Add extended memory to your computer system to increase printer performance. Close those applications that are not currently active and try printing again. USING ADDITIONAL SCALABLE TYPEFACES =================================== The HP DeskJet 500 Scalable Printer Driver for Microsoft® Windows 3.0 supports all scalable typefaces in the HP MasterType Library format. You do not need HP Type Director 2.0 to use these scalable typefaces because the Intellifont type scaling technology has been built directly into the printer driver. You will, however, need to "reinstall" these typefaces using the HP DeskJet 500 Scalable driver if you already have installed them on your system. Information for installing HP MasterType Library format typefaces is available by choosing Troubleshooting from the Help menu in the HP DeskJet 500 Scalable on . . . dialog box. The Intellifont type scaling technology scales and rasterizes the HP MasterType Library format typefaces on your computer. The data is then sent to the printer as graphics data. This process differs from HP Type Director 2.0, which downloads fonts to RAM cartridges in the printer and then accesses them like soft fonts. RAM cartridges are not used by the HP DeskJet 500 Scalable Printer Driver for Microsoft® Windows 3.0 and will not improve performance. ACCESSING THE WINDOWS SYMBOL SET ================================ The Windows Symbol set was included with the printer fonts that came with the HP DeskJet 500 Scalable Printer Driver for Microsoft® Windows 3.0. A file named SYMBOL.WRI, included on the disk(s) that came with the driver, contains the ANSI code equivalency table for the Windows Symbol set. This file may be read by using the Windows 3.0 Write accessory. To use the Windows Symbol set, you will need to install the CG Times printer font and the Symbol screen font (SYMBOLE.FON that came with Windows). To access the Symbol character set, follow the instructions in the SYMBOL.WRI file. PRINTING WITH THE HP DESKJET FAMILY PRINTER DRIVER ================================================== The HP DeskJet 500 Scalable Printer Driver for Microsoft® Windows 3.0 is a graphics data-based driver, and as such, converts all information sent to the printer to graphics data. If you are printing documents that contain mostly text and would like the ability to improve in your printer's performance, you may wish to print those files with the HP DeskJet Family printer driver. This driver came with your Microsoft® Windows 3.0 application package. To use it, select the HP DeskJet Family printer driver from the List of Printers in the Printers dialog box and set it up for use following the instructions in your Microsoft® Windows User's Guide. Both drivers may be installed at the same time and you may alternate between the two by Activating the appropriate driver in the Printers dialog box from the Control Panel. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ================ Scalable type outlines are licensed from Agfa Corporation. Intellifont is a registered trademark of Agfa Corporation. CG Times, a product of Agfa Corporation, is based on Times New Roman under license from Monotype Corporation plc. Agfa is a registered trademark of Agfa-Gevaert AG. Univers is a registered trademark of Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries. Ami Professional is a registered trademark of Samna Corporation. Arts & Letters is a registered trademark of Computer Support Organization. Charisma and Designer are registered trademarks of Micrografx, Inc. Corel Draw is a registered trademark of Corel Systems Corporation. Microsoft®, Excel, and PowerPoint are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other product names are trademarks of their own supplier companies.